
Survey123 3.3 is now available!

The latest of Survey123, now Survey123 3.3 has just been released today and also to commemorate the landing of the first British man, William Damper, in New Britain on February 27, 1700 or over 300 years ago. 

New Britain is the largest island in the Bismark archipelago of Papua New Guinea while Damper is known for being the first man to circumnavigate the world three times. 

But back to Survey123 3.3. Starting with version 3.3: 

  • You can now establish a direct connection between the Survey123 field app and your GNSS. 

  • You can now do point-to-point measurements with Spike and the Survey123 field app. 

  • A new Date/Time question type has been added in web designer to help you capture both a date and a time in one single row. 

  • more friendly name will be given to the auto-generated field names such as field_0field_1. . . in your Survey123 feature layers based on the label of your questions. 

  • You can now easily delete and edit values right from the Survey 123 web site. 

To learn more about the aforementioned new features and the other fixes and enhancement in Survey123, read ichivite-esristaff’s blog “New Britain Release (3.3)”.