
OpenStreetMap Vector Basemap is now in general release!

The OpenStreetMap Vector Basemap, maintained and hosted by Esri, is no longer in beta effective March 2019!
OpenStreetMap Vector Basemap

The OpenStreetMap Basemap is now in general release. It can be accessed as one of the standard basemaps in the basemap gallery in ArcGIS Online for organizations that have enabled vector basemaps. This means that you can now freely use this new OpenStreetMap vector basemap in your production maps and apps since it is provided under a Creative Commons by Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license so that you can use it freely and without transaction limits in your internal and public facing maps. You just need to give appropriate credit for use of the map (i.e. “Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, Map Layer by Esri”) in your work. 

If your organization has not yet enable use of Esri vector basemaps, do so to allow you use of Esri vector basemaps (as shown below).

map configuration

On map styling in the OpenStreetMap vector basemap, you can create your own style through the Vector Tile Style Editor. The Vector Tile Style Editor has been updated to support re-styling of the OpenStreetMap basemap through the Quick Edit tools, along with the other Esri basemaps. You can select the OpenStreetMap style to get started, use the Quick Edit tools to quickly re-style the many layers in the map to make it your own, and then save the custom map to your ArcGIS Online account. 

To learn more about the OpenStreetMap Vector Map, read Esri’s Deane Kensok’s blog “What’s New With OpenStreetMap Basemap (March 2019)”.