
Now Available: Beta release of 3D Flood Impact Solution

The beta release of 3D Flood Impact Solution is now available.

What is the 3D Flood Impact Solution? The Flood Impact Solution is used to visualize and assess the impact of a flooding event on an existing landscape. The result of the analysis can then be visualized in a 3D scene of Operations Dashboard which you can share with your stakeholders.

To get started with the 3D Flood Impact Solution, do the following:

1.      Download the 3DFloodImpact ArcGIS Pro project.

2.      Extract the zip file to a folder on your machine.

3.      Open the 3DFloodImpact.aprx in ArcGIS Pro.

4.      Use the Flood Impact Solution – beta 1.pdf to step through the various tasks.

For questions, bug reports, new requirements regarding the beta 3D Flood Impact Solution, email Esri’s Gvan Maren at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Using the 3D Flood Impact Solution gives you the following benefits:

  • Easily understand the impact of flooding events on assets such as building and critical infrastructure; and
  • Improve and accelerate communication of the flooding risk out to your stakeholders such as local floodplain and hazard mitigation planners, decision makers and the public which in turn will speed up getting mitigation measures in place.

For more information and to download the 3D Flood Impact Solution, go here