
Latest version of Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS v2.5 Developer Edition is now available!

Geodevelopers. . . .just a few days after the Esri UC in San Diego, Esri today released Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS v2.5 Developer Edition. You can download it from the ArcGIS Developer Site.

According to Esri WebAppBuilder for ArcGIS Team, this latest release includes the new capabilities that were recently added to the embedded Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS in ArcGIS Online last June.

Also, on the SDK side, new enhancements include the following:

  • The new SnapShot class allows you to create a web map and feature collection layers from one or more graphic arrayas.
  • The new Create a ListView widget sample provides comprehensive steps to create a custom widget that displays features from a feature layer in a list view and each list item with several preconfigured fields.
  • A new “provide and consume data source in widget” topic has been added under the Widget development section.

For more details, go to What’s New In Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (June 2017) and/or here.