
Esri Vector Basemaps now available in production Web Maps and Apps

The Esri Vector Tile Basemaps have been updated this December with new data and map style refinements.

Hence, they are no longer in beta release and are now available to use in production web maps and apps.The recent updates to the Esri Vector Tile Basemaps address the key remaining issues identified during the beta period for these basemaps.In general, you can use the Esri Vector Basemaps if your app supports vector tile layers. Esri’s Deane Kensok explained that “in ArcGIS Online, you can use the vector basemaps in both the Map viewer and the Scene viewer, which now supports vector tile layers for 3D display…”Users are reminded that vector tile layers are currently supported in ArcGIS Online web applications and ArcGIS Pro. Kensok advises that “org administrators should consider which apps are being used most commonly by the org members when deciding whether to use vector basemaps, raster basemaps or a mix of both in their basemap gallery.”Kensok disclosed that “Esri will be making the vector basemaps available as part of the default basemap galleries for various apps that support vector tile layers as part of updates in 2017, beginning with next ArcGIS Online update planned for early March. For Enterprise users with on-premises portals, the vector basemaps will be available by default beginning with the 10.5.1. release to follow.”Kensok added that Esri will continue to actively maintain the vector basemaps going forward. We intend to update the vector basemaps about twice per month, refreshing the vector tiles with the latest available commercial and community data, as well as refining and expanding the available map styles. In 2017, Esri intends to release localized versions of the vector basemaps in several languages supported by ArcGIS Online.