
Collaboration in Insights, ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online

Do you know that you can access web-base data analytics using ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online? If you are using ArcGIS Enterprise and/or ArcGIS Online, you can access Esri’s data analytics, Insights for ArcGIS.

With Insights, you can drag-and-drop analyse both your spatial and non-spatial data, and  derive new data findings. You can also create interactive pages and analytical models that are shareable with other members of an organization. 

If you are using Insights in ArcGIS Enterpise 10.7,  you can share your Insights’ workbooks, pages, models and themes with other collaboration participant via Enterprise’s new additions to distributed collaboration. 

To learn more about collaboration using Insights for ArcGISArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online, read Joel Jeyarajah’s blog “What’s New in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7: Sharing Insights Items Using Distributed Collaboration” and/or watch this distributed collaboration workflow in this video “Distributed Collaboration: Sharing Data Across ArcGIS”.