
ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool for ArcGIS Pro to be released January 2017

A new deployment tool – ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool -  will be released by Esri in January 2017 as a download, available on the ArcGIS Solutions site.The ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool will require ArcGIS Pro 1.3 or later.

To deploy a Solution, users must have privileges to “create new content” in their ArcGIS Online organizational subscription or their Portal for ArcGIS.Esri’s Howard Crothers said “the Deployment Tool is similar in concept to finding and deploying templates in commonly used office productivity applications – right from an application you browse or search a list of templates and then download the templates that meet your needs for immediate use. But the Deployment Tool does much more. It provisions ArcGIS Solutions to a mapping portal for immediate use by your organization, helps you configure deployed Solutions to better fit your needs and helps you use you data with a Solution.”In simple terms, “the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool is an ArcGIS Pro Add-in that enables users to browse a catalog of ArcGIS solutions and deploy them to an ArcGIS Online organizational subscription or to a Portal for ArcGIS.”Crothers added that “not all the over 400 ArcGIS Solutions available today will be included in the Deployment Tool. . . the Deployment Tool is only capable of deploying Solutions that fully leverage the Web GIS capabilities of ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS. The ArcGIS Solutions site will continue to be the destination to access the full collection of ArcGIS Solutions.”To get a sneak peak of the ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool, go here.