
ArcGIS Earth latest version: powerful, interactive 3D analysis for everyone

Esri just released the latest version of ArcGIS Earth – ArcGIS Earth V1.8.

The latest release is filled with new capabilities, like interactive analysis tools – Elevation Profile, 3D Measure, Line of Sight, Viewshed Analysis, Data Support, among others.

These tools make visibility assessment easy which according to Esri’s Jasmine Du enables you “to make informed decisions without waiting for someone else to do geoprocessing. These tools can help identify threats in tactical operations, find vantage points that could be exploited, and best placements for observation points.”

If you are already using ArcGIS Earth, learn more about this latest version by reading Jasmine Du’s blog – “Introducing ArcGIS Earth V1.8 – Powerful, interactive 3D analysis for everyone”. To find more about what is in this release, visit our website. In addition to this release, Esri has released ArcGIS Earth for Android mobile devices in Alpha. Try it out from the Early Adopter Community or the Google Play Store.

If you are new to ArcGIS Earth, go here to learn more and/or get started with ArcGIS Earth by downloading it here or here for your personal use.